So we’re two and a half weeks into lockdown with another two and a half weeks to go. We hope. The reality is is that none of us actually know if we’ll ever get back to the old normal, we may very well be living our new normals right now and while it has been an incredibly uncertain and stressful time, it has also been a time that I have chosen to thrive. So here are my top tips for thriving during lockdown.

Keep A Routine

I have pretty much stuck to a routine since going into lockdown almost  3 weeks ago. While I do get to sleep in a little later, my alarm goes off at 6am every weekday. And while I may have the luxury of snoozing my alarm now, I still make sure we are up and at em every morning and that there is a regular structure and time allocations to our day. This, I find, really helps to keep my anxiety in check.



Allocate time to exercise, at least 5-6 times a week. I have found this really helps keep me motivated and positive. The endorphin high after a good and fun workout help keep me motivated and going throughout the day. There are so many great, free online programs currently available for lockdown, so you really have no excuse not to. You also don’t need to die for boredom while trying to run around and around our garden.


Schedule Time For Relaxation

Whether that be reading a book, watching some TV or meditating, whatever that looks like to you. At the beginning of lockdown, I found myself trying to cram so much into a day in a desperate attempt to outrun my anxiety and I landed up exhausted and feeling like I was a hamster spinning on a wheel but achieving nothing. Take time out to relax.


Limit How Much News You Consume

Initially, when all the talk of Covid-19 and Lockdown first started, my husband was convinced we were all being a little ridiculous, since then, his obsession with all things Corona Virus has grown and to be honest at times I’ve found it all just very overwhelming. I’ve had to start limiting the amount of news I consume and also avoid allowing all my TV viewing to be around Covid-19, it’s just not good for my mental health and I’ve also started battling with insomnia and nightmares again.


Take Social Media Breaks

I don’t know about you guys, but I have found social media less than entertaining recently. Depending on what platform you’re using, you’re likely to find that on Twitter, people are fighting with each other, on Facebook they’re challenging each other to drink raw eggs and other stupidity and on Instagram they’re re-sharing the same content over and over for infinity. And don’t even get me started on Tik Tok because there’s no coming back once you’ve fallen down that rabbit hole.  So I have found that limited my consumption of social media is also helpful in keeping me sane, keeping me calm and keeping me well during social media.


Don’t Forget To Check Your Car’s Battery

I did not know this, but according to Battery Centre, you should be getting your car’s battery checked every 6 months! Oops! My bad! But just as important, make sure you start up your car every few days. My car is hardly being driven, the old lockdown joke is true, my car gets 4 weeks to the kilometer, I mean I’ve driven about 5km in total during lockdown so it’s just as well my husband reminded me to start up my car every few days to make sure the battery doesn’t die. The good news is even if your battery does die, selected Battery Centre stores are open to assist you during lockdown.


I’ve got a Battery Centre voucher worth R2500 up for grabs, just head over to my Instagram account to enter now! And make sure you’re following me on Instagram to be eligible to win!