I love to read…. a LOT! Like really a lot… I will choose to spend time with a book over TV and movies any and every day of the week!

I participate in the Good Reads reading challenge every year and always beat my target. 

Good Reads 2015 Reading Challenge

So, as an avid reader and lover of the written word, imagine my excitement when I was introduced to BookBub a couple of weeks ago! 

BookBub Website

You guys…. if you knew about BookBub and didn’t tell me, you understand we can’t be friends anymore right? 

Basically BookBub trawls the interwebs and collates a list of the best ebook deals available for Kindle, Kobo, Nook, iBooks & Android! They have best sellers on promotion where you can pick up books for under $1 and even free books!

BookBub Sample

Once you’ve created an account, you simply link your account and voila, you get a daily email letting you know what the books are on promotion or for free for limited times. They also have a mobile app, which I find really handy, only problem I’ve had with the app is that it auto downloads the books to iBooks and not my Kindle, so I usually scroll through the app and if there are any books I’m keen on, I switch to my browser and order them there, it’s super fast, within seconds the books have downloaded to my Kindle.

I’ve read a bunch of the free books and seriously, they weren’t half bad. Just one dud so far. 

I’m loving this…. cheaper books means more moola for more books! YAY!